Video: AGLOW Media Camp Hog Hunting with Alabama Black Belt Adventures

We’re hunting wild hogs at Great Southern Outdoors in Union Springs, Alabama. These feral pigs are destroying the landscape, so there’s no limit to how many hogs we can take, and we can hunt at night with motion-activated lights and thermal optics. We do some night hunting and do our best to help eliminate a… Read More Video: AGLOW Media Camp Hog Hunting with Alabama Black Belt Adventures

Fisher: Summer Wild Boar Hunting in the Alabama Black Belt – FUN!

This summer, I enjoyed the most thrilling hunting experience of my life in the heart of central Alabama. Venturing into new territory, uncharted in my personal experience, I joined a group of four fellow hunter friends from across the country to hunt wild feral hogs. We planned and gathered at our destination, the renowned Great… Read More Fisher: Summer Wild Boar Hunting in the Alabama Black Belt – FUN!

Amundson: Podcast from Alabama’s Great Southern Outdoors during Media Camp

On this week’s show, we play back a discussion with Hunter Pritchett of Great Southern Outdoors. He tells us why feral hogs are such a problem for the ecosystem, the history of his family’s hunting plantation in Alabama, what they offer, some of the cool people that go hunt there, and more. Joe Henry checks… Read More Amundson: Podcast from Alabama’s Great Southern Outdoors during Media Camp