Roy Heilman: Tasty Nuggets

With a summer full of fishing on the doorstep, most of us know we’ll be eating fish. Maybe a lot. For many like me, it’s the taste of summer here in the land of lakes. 

Now, everyone knows there are countless ways of cooking fish. Around these parts, that pretty much means “countless ways of cooking fish, as long as it’s boneless and skinless panfish fillets, battered or coated in crumbs and fried all to heck.” It’s tradition. Pan-fried, served-hot, next-to-the-pasta-salad tradition. Wouldn’t feel right any other way.

I must admit last weekend I encountered something even better. It might sound really out there, but extensive legal analysis has concluded that due to their deep-fried nature they are allowed in Minnesota. You ready for this?

Sucker balls.


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