Navigating the Depths: A Comprehensive Guide to Fishing the Legendary Rainy River

As every year, Mother Nature is in control.  The ice on the Rainy River isn’t as thick as it is in normal years.  In addition, the river already started opening up near the Nelson Park boat ramp in Birchdale, MN, only to be frozen over again when old man winter decided to make another appearance (it has been a weird winter).  With that being said, it will be very soon and anglers will be catching big walleyes, sturgeon and pike out of the Rainy River for the annual spring season.  Here is a head start on some helpful information.

rainy river public accesses

We need to thank Koochiching County, and everyone who has a hand in the north country spring fishing season in advance.  Each year, Koochiching County does a great job of plowing out the boat ramp and access areas of snow.  They also are helpful in giving that pesky shoreline ice in front of the boat ramps a little push with a backhoe to speed things up a bit.  It also makes things safer, as without a boat ramp open, there are a number of boats that would have dropped in over the shoreline ice in pursuit of big Rainy River gold.


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