Delta Waterfowl’s Hen House Program Receives Grant from Manitoba Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Fund

The grant will support Delta’s Duck Production programs in Manitoba, benefitting hunters across Canada and the United States

WINNIPEG, MANITOBA — A grant from the Manitoba Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Fund is providing valuable resources to grow Delta Waterfowl’s Hen House program and enhance duck production efforts in Canada.

The $21,320 grant will fund the construction and installation of 100 new Hen Houses in Manitoba. Field work for the recently approved project will begin near the end of 2023, targeting areas with suitable wetlands and a high density of nesting mallards. Project Hen Houses will be ready for mallards at the beginning of the 2024 nesting season.

“Our Hen House program has grown substantially in recent years,” said Matt Chouinard, senior waterfowl programs director for Delta Waterfowl. “Grants like these are…READ MORE

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